Wunderwaffe DG-2
This brilliant creation by Doctor Richtofen shoots a blast of electricity made from Element 115. When shot it causes instant death to the target and then a chain lighting kills almost all near by zombies.
Holding only three shots and fifteen in reserve this gun is capable of killing up to ten zombies in one blast. It is awesome!
It is rather heavy and not something you want to be running with.
It is possible to shock your team members and get shocked if you shoot it too close. This will cause your teamates to move slower and could cause you to go down. It takes about seven seconds to reload light bulb type bullets unless you have speed cola. This is a long time when zombies are after your brains. A well skilled player with this gun is an asset to any team.
Use it wisely.
Wunderwaffe DG-3
With the Wunderwaffe DG-3 you now have 6 shots with a reserve of 30 shots that now kill up to 24 zombies at one time. The splash damage is much more damning and the blasts now send off a red color charge. This gun is extrememly deadly in the right hands.